Trying to project my mind into 2030 to look at different explanations of the last year's events to predict the future by creating different permutations of the NOW
Sociologists in 2030 will accept that the pandemic wiped out the bottom 10-15% of society. This is a pretty safe bet, also a safe bet is that they will rationalize this as a good thing. Slight bump in crime for a few years to make sure less criminals procreate
They'll start giving the v*ccine to anyone who is processed for certain crimes, or maybe just processed into jail at all, to reduce the pop size of a demographic that no one will want to defend
If you were a massive corporation with lot of intelligence and money and total power over the governments of the world, what would you do? You'd make people into your perfect customer. How could anyone argue against this?
If data shows that a person who is X does Y and believes in Z is going to be a customer loyal to their end of days, wouldn't you naturally want to make as many of those people as possible?
Millions of young people who before 2020 would have been creative or expressive or different were all brought under the mask aegis. They were traumatized between 5 and 10x as bad as the 9/11 kids. But without any of the pluses of jingoism and a booming wartime economy
So you've got ~50% of kids under 18 traumatized into your psychobabble death cult. Another 50% who are still at risk of bucking the system and creating their own. Will need to crack down on internet hard and fast if you don't want to worry about them in 2030
The v*ccine will be proven to be a bust, as if it was ever intended to be anything else (most people still point to polio as why they work, ignoring the failures since then, as well as the link between every child in the 50s getting it and the economy tanking in the 70s)
Also got a bottoming out of institutions, both in the trust realm, and in the actual efficiency and efficacy realm. Boomers will stubbornly proclaim their faith even as their friends and family die, only some of the wavering as their number comes up. Suicides likely to inc ~2-5x
By 2030 you'll have people either fully on board with the AmazonReligion-touching all facets of life (social, sexual, economic, environmental, architectural, clothing, media) these will all form EXPECTATIONS (which are the real basis of social life).
However, these expectations will obviously be 1/5th what they were for a chorus of disaffected people (now aged 25-55) who remember the old promises, ideas, ways- and are very very pissed off because the see expectations declining no matter what side they cast their lot on
By 2030 people can be lumped into those "living in the past" ie people who were formed by a world pre 2020 (when the billionaire class made their move) and people "living in the future" ie people hanging on every word and proclamation from the AmazonBrahmin class
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