Thank you @NTCouncilTeam for restoring the pedestrian/cyclist tunnel. Next, can we have a future proof, tourist attracting, economic regenerating, climate change tackling seafront? @SunriseCycleway @KForCullercoats @JoeKirwin
I predicted the seafront would be overcrowded during the festive season. Every day has seen a traffic jam, both directions. Families, prams, dog walkers, getting outdoors, filling the shared cycle route. Pedestrians stepping into, and joggers running along, the road.
A few cyclists trying to use the shared pavement, but anyone not confident on the road can't use the seafront. I'm confident on roads but wouldn't go down there. So even those of willing to ride on roads pushed out.
I tested by car Spanish City to Smiths Dock yesterday and back. Took 50 minutes to do what should be a 30 mins journey, 9 miles. Much of it at a standstill or crawl. Did Spanish City to Tynemouth today. Even worse.
Today, Tynemouth Sea Banks dangerous, cars trying to pull in/out, families trying to cross between stream of cars. From The Grand to Park Hotel one long jam. Same through Cullercoats, a jam St Georges to Queens Arms. Rockcliffe Gardens hair raising for drivers and cyclists.
I said this would be the case. We needed the safety of an adapted @SunriseCycleway left in place to cope with our need to be outdoors on foot, scooter, in a pram, a wheelchair, trike, cargo bike...
The demand isn't going away. Make a priority those using the seafront to get fresh air and stay well. Car users can still use a dedicated lane and access routes be found for coastal operations.
Invest in what is going to be the future, more staycations, a fitter population, active travel, a recovery grown through low traffic, attractive spaces where people spend time and put money into our local economy.
You can follow @AnneShackleton.
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