I have no reason to be optimistic about this, but I am. We've discovered the tools to return to normal, it just seems we can't produce them quickly enough for the scale.

That just sounds... solvable, especially when literally everyone in the world just wants this to be finished. https://twitter.com/verboom/status/1342942624609665024
Looking at this, you're supposed to be shocked that SSA and MENA don't get the vaccine until April '22 or maybe 2023. But I don't think the dark green countries are going to wait till March '22 _or_ September '21.

There is literally every incentive to make it happen quicker.
and as I've said before: the more if this knowledge and tech gets open sourced and shared, the more middle income countries in particular are going to see where they are on the wait list (or see the price list) and they're going to start getting resourceful together very quickly
Ppl are going to start getting angry and demanding faster vaccination when schools are still closed at the start of next semester. At min, demanding explanations for why it's taking so damn long. What expense isn't being spared to get kids back in class? https://twitter.com/IanDunt/status/1343540625350811649?s=19
I just don't see how people start demanding what is essentially the cure the economic, emotional, and educational losses that are the externalities of not putting every effort into mass vaccination ASAP. https://twitter.com/tripperhead/status/1343573199087259648?s=19
Anti-vaxxers will get rolled over with bulldozers if they're the reason kids can't return to school. Every family, everywhere, is fucking sick of this shit.
The first 2/3's of this year was "what actually works to stop the spread of this virus?" People still want to debate masks, but now we have three vaccines and the 'only' issue is production capacity. That is a problem you can throw money at to fix. https://twitter.com/Comparativist/status/1343574681291395074?s=19
this is an engineering problem. This is a QC problem. This is a production scale problem. This is a logistics problem.

We have a lot of global experience in all of these fields re: maximizing efficiency down to the molecular level if it's profitable enough.
With zero data to support this hunch, I am confident af that we will soon discover people and orgs that foresaw this and have been trying to solve this current prob since Feb and we'll be hearing their innovative ideas soon b/c they weren't surprised. https://twitter.com/Comparativist/status/1343576491339083776?s=19
what I can say with confidence: the human capital to produce this vaccine locally in the Philippines already exists. If they're only missing a machine, then suppliers should emerge soon. It's a matter of will - and here, it aligns with capital / profit https://twitter.com/Comparativist/status/1343571997624659968?s=19
there's going to be more of this. Last data I saw, only one vaccine candidate outright failed. Pick one and make a lot of it. Or pick a few and make a lot of options available. https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1343578417577529347?s=19
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