✨ I have collected 15 bits of advice that have personally served me well this year. You might also find them valuable.

1. Do what you say you're going to do. This will become much easier if you don't overpromise.

2. Don't keep food in your cupboards that will make you feel bad when you eat it.

3. To prevent procrastination have a system in place with clear goals. A system will beat willpower.
4. Take your sleep seriously. Have a night-time routine in place.

5. Creation > consumption. The more you create the more satisfied and accomplished you'll feel.

6. You don't owe anybody anything. Nobody owes you anything.
7. Start something now: a new habit, learn a new skill, build a new business. Taking ownership over something is an amazing feeling.

8. Always demand a deadline (even on personal projects). It will prevent you from making it perfect and wasting too much time.
9. Practice gratitude. If you've enjoyed something be very vocal about it. Compliment the author.

10. There was never a better time to invest. Small amounts of money invested regularly for many years are a safe path to wealth.
11. Obsessing about serving your clients / audience will take you further than obsessing about beating your competition.

12. Hatred is a curse that doesn't affect the hated. Release a grudge and carry on with life.

13. Apologise quickly, sincerely and specifically.
14. Naps are not embarrassing. Take a 20min nap to reenergise your system.

15. Think positively: the universe is conspiring to make you a success. ✨

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