If you possess one or more of these traits, you're a negative person.

Before I proceed to list them, let me explain what I mean.

The universe operates on Energy, your "vibe".
The energy (aura) around you is created by your thoughts, feelings and action.
What you think is who you are. What you think creates a feeling...
...and that feeling goes on to create the energy around you which is projected to the universe.
The universe in turn gives you back the things that are on the same frequency as your energy.
So you see, the more you think, the more you create your life...
..and since we can not stop thinking, we (humans) are in a constant state of creation.

Today, I'm here to talk about negative energy, so in this thread, I'm going to list the things that I consider negative energy, feel free to read and discuss with me.

1. You complain too much: take it or leave it, the art of complaining is very negative. If you notice, people that complain a lot never stop complaining. That's because the universe always gives them a reason to complain. More complaints = more negativity...
...and more negativity attracts more negative occurrences in your life because that's the frequency you're on and since the universe isnt bias, you get exactly what you give
"How you feel is an exact reflection, a precise measure to the finest degree, of what you are giving out in any moment.
When you feel good, you don't have to be concerned about anything else because your thoughts, words, and actions will be good
Simply by feeling good you are guaranteed to be giving love, and all of that love must come back to you!"
- Rhonda Byrne
2. Anger: "anger is a 5 mins madness that destroys more than what caused it" omo, the first time I was told that, it hit me. lol.
Anyways, nothing positive comes from Anger and you know for sure you are not sending positive energy to the universe.

Now, this one is very dicey...
...because something is bound to piss you off, however, it's up to you to decide whether you're going to let that thing mess with the way you feel which will in turn spoil your day.
Personally what I do is, I clear you and I move on, I don't waste time feeling that anger...
...because I am not going to let someone ruin my day, I deserve to be happy and I'm going to find my own happiness after clearing this person and moving on sharp.

Holding on to anger means you're holding on to negativity and that definitely screws your energy up.
Also, if you're someone that's always looking for a reason to get angry, guess what, you'll get a million reasons to get angry because the universe realises that that's the frequency you're on.

It's like ordering food at a restaurant, you get exactly what you order.
Your thoughts and feelings are the "food order" and the universe is always willing and able to give you whatever you want.
3. Expecting something bad to happen: if you're always expecting something bad to happen, you're a negative person.
I understand that many of us have been disappointed so many times in life that we always expect disappointment.
So we in turn give that to the universe..
...we tell the universe to disappoint us and we eventually get disappointed.
And we say "I said it, something bad would happen"
Dont forget that you placed the order.

So yeah. Yo ass is negative.
4. Lack of Love: and I'm not talking about romance here, I'm talking about the fact that many people have more things that they "hate" than things that they "love".
When you acknowledge the things you do not like, you get more of those things because that's what you choose to... attention to and whatever you pay attention to, you think of and when you think of it, you feel hate, hate is negative, you send that energy out to the universe and the universe in turn gives you more things to hate. It's that simple.
When they say "you are what you attract" they mean it literally.

Many people don't even know that they are negative, that's because their thoughts are on autopilot (which is a bad thing, I'll talk about this in another thread) and automatically they think bad.
Control your thoughts, for what you feed your mind is what you feed your life

The people you surround yourself with, check them with this thread and see whether you're with negative people. Because friends play a huge part in your energy.

But I digress. Let me continue
Lol. Let me keep this short.

5. Sadness: if you're always sad or always allowing things make you sad, you know what that means.

6. Envy: people that envy others never move positive in life, that's because they are on a constantly negative energy and you know what that means
To keep this thread short. I implore you to look within yourself and tell yourself the truth, do you indulge in thoughts that are negative and expect a positive outcome?

Then you are wrong. Because the universe is not bias, it gives you exactly what's on your energy.
I learnt this first hand. Lol.

Anyways, I'll be making more threads on Positivity, energies and the likes.

Thanks for reading 🙏🏾

NB: I wrote this while listening to Twice as Tall and Burna Boy remains the G.O.A.T
Oh how did I forget the Ogbonge one!!

REGRET: this is a high ranking chief in negative kingdom and he is very lowkey with the way he acts.
It starts like this, once you regret one thing, you'll regret two, you'll regret three and so on and so forth because it's never ending.
Unless you put an end to it and look for reasons to give gratitude instead of complain and regret.
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