6 new things I did in 2020 helped me to grow as a better person.

1. Spending time on reading valuable books. Eg. How to be a bawse, The secret, Think like a monk, etc. - This helped me gain a whole different perspective and made my thoughts clearer and deep.
2. Writing a to-do list everyday - This helped me to organize my day precisely and gave motive to complete the list daily. It eventually helped me to form habits.
3. Tracking down my habits everyday - This helped me to keep track of days I miss important habits and keeps me self-aware.
4. Self-reflecting upon my thoughts - This helped me to stop overthinking and reduce negative thoughts and helped me to gain mental peace. Also, it helped me to become self-aware and gave a path to clear and careful meaningful decisions.
5. Taking a break when things felt heavy - Whenever I felt something not fine, I took a break and watched & consumed meaningful contents that made me clear my mind and ignited my inspiration again.
6. Journaling (not regularly, but most days. Planning to make it regular) - Journaling helped me to clear my mind of all the thoughts I had by writing it down. In the verge of emotions, journaling it helped me to let go of it and react to the situation in a calm way.
Even though there are lots of learnings this year, these 6 acts in 2020 made me a better person than the previous year.

What's that new activity you developed this year that made you a better person? Comment it down😊 Happy to hear it.

#2020InReview #ByeBye2020
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