All y’all “reopen the schools now!” peeps, have you signed up to be a substitute teacher? A bus driver? A paraprofessional/aide? How about a custodian? Heck, in some districts you don’t even need to have an education degree to be a teacher! There are acute shortages of all these.
Do you expect classrooms to be effectively staffed without, y’know, STAFF? Do you expect enough buses to pick up kids when there aren’t enough drivers? I’ve seen buses FILL UP COMPLETELY at some apartment complexes in the Before Times; you do the math.
Yes, I do wish my district were more proactive in terms of air handling & concrete plans for reopening. My medical conditions that make me vulnerable are manageable & I probably have another 10 years of effective teaching in me, but not if I’m sick or dead.
“But poor children are being disproportionately affected!”
Yes, they are. And that achievement gap has been around forever and those same Nice White Parents now playing this card protest increased school funding because Muh Taxes! and refuse to discuss school boundary shifts. 🤷‍♀️
You want experienced teachers for your kids? Those are not the younger ones. 1 in 4 teachers have an “underlying condition” that makes them medically vulnerable. Which of your kid’s teachers are you ok with losing? In MS/HS that’s 2 of your kid’s teachers, 1/4 of them.
Look, folks, if you’re not an *active* part of the solution, which is “Going Back SAFELY,” NOT just “going back,” you’re part of the problem.
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