okay i said i was gonna do this so here it is:
Dear Goyim,
a thread of how to be a good jewish ally / how to recognised your ingrained antisemitic behaviours and stop being antisemitic
From a Jew
non jews are strongly encouraged to read this
1.) unlearn your prejudices about jewish people and judaism . antisemitism is one of the oldest forms of hatred and it’s influences are very very prevalent in media , culture and society. as a non jew you have undoubtedly participated in antisemitism , even unknowingly.
listen to jews about their oppression. don’t tell them they are “overreacting” or “making things up” when they tell you someone or something is antisemitic. you don’t understand antisemitism better than actual jews and often it’s not that obvious to a non jewish eye. educate
yourself and those around you. part of your education will involve listening to jews but we aren’t here to explain our oppression to you. research and understand. become more socially aware about jewish issues and unlearn antisemitic prejudice.
2.) now i could make an entire thread just by itself about anti zionism but i’m gonna make this quick because it’s a thread about antisemitism. antizionism doesn’t inherently equal antisemitism HOWEVER the line between the two is incredibly thin and most goyim who are actively
antizionist are antisemitic. israel is mentioned in the torah (the jewish holy book) which is thousands of years old whereas the actual state of israel is 72 years old. a survey taken in 2015 found that 3 in 5 jews are zionists. israel and there being a jewish state is very
important to jews. not everyone agrees with that but antizionists never acknowledge that it’s actually an incredibly nuanced issue. it’s not black and white. if you have to harass random jews about their opinion on israel (which IS antisemitic) at least learn what different terms
mean e.g cultural zionism , political zionism etc. but commenting “free palestine “ on someone’s post just because they are jewish is NOT activism in any sense of the word and is just really fucking annoying and pretty antisemitic. also if you don’t care about jews in the
diaspora then you shouldn’t get a say about israel. there’s a massive double standard about colonist countries e.g britain and america vs israel. britain and america have killed people but y’all don’t care because hating israeli citizens is a subtle way to hate jews. in the same
way not all american citizens are responsible for donald trump , not all israeli citizens are responsible for the actions of the israeli government and leaders.
3.) stop talking about that fucking tradwife 4chan meme or whatever !! yes it is antisemitic but some of you are focussing on that rather than ,,, genuine jewish hate crimes and it’s a bit messed up you care more about a mildly antisemitic but pretty much harmless meme
over the lives of actual jewish people. this meme by @metalliclown explains it better than i could:
4.) antisemitism is different to other religious bigotry. judaism is an ethnoreligion meaning it’s both an ethnicity and a religion. not all jews are religious. though antisemitism CAN be attacking us as a religious group, more often than not it’s attacking us as an ethnic
group. while technically there is no “jewish look” and that is a stereotype perpetuated by n4zis, antisemitism does often attack the stereotypical ashkenazi look as well as our culture, traditions and practices. antisemitism is very much an ethnicity based bigotry
over a religious one. please acknowledge that the anti jewish religious bigotry you see, while terrible, is the very top of the iceberg and there are problems rooting much much deeper than that.
5.) black jews exist. jews of colour exist. not all jews are white. only white jews getting representation in the media is very problematic and ignores all the black and poc jewish people out there. jews can be of any race and black and poc jews aren’t inherently converts.
6.) that being said, white jews relationship to whiteness is very different from other white people. i would never call myself a person of colour, i very much benefit from white privilege and am perceived as a white person as well as literally just being ,,, white. HOWEVER
n4zis and white suprem4cists do not see jews, even white jews, as white people. they see us as a subhuman race therefore, at lots of points in history, white jews HAVE NOT benefited from the privilege other white people have had, meaning relationship to whiteness and being white
is slightly different
7.) antisemitism did not start nor end with the h0l0caust. it existed long before and continues to exist. brushing off antisemitism because the h0l0caust happened a long time ago and using the h0l0caust as a measuring device for other atrocities
and gen0cides are both very problematic. both events can exist in their own right and using the h0l0caust as a measuring tool glorifies jewish suffering.
8.) you may have heard the phrase “2 jews, 3 opinions” and this is very much true. jews are NOT a hivemind and will have
different things to say about different jewish issues. you need to listen to a range of jewish people about issues and not focus on your one jewish friend who lets your antisemitism slide and think that’s okay because “a jew thinks it’s okay”
i’m not done but i’ll finish this thread later ✌️ there’s a lot more to say
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