Remarkable how little the representatives of this regime, what they believe in, what their major policies have been are shown. All just Orbán, his family, close friends, corruption, etc. Hardly anything here on the supporters of Fidesz and the sources of support for the party.
There is very little on the German and European role not only in not constraining but in actively enabling this regime since 2010. Manfred Weber can easily declare how little connects them to Fidesz in terms of values but hasn't he campaigned for Fidesz just two years ago?
Hasn't Merkel visited just last year to declare that European funds have "visibly been used well" in the country? Aren't major investors, above all German ones, making huge gains in Hungary and actively supporting the current regime?
Without discussing these deep political and economic interconnections in earnest, the story becomes just too comfortable - the perfectly good Europeans trying their best but not finding ways to constrain a de-democratising member state.
The Orbán regime is a joint product of Hungarian and European political trends of the 2010s. Unless we start from that basic premise, such docus will fall into the externalising-exoticising traditions of interpretation prevalent in Western Europe when it comes to Eastern Europe
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