Yep school education makes history ghastly boring. In fact the education system makes you think history can be learnt from just one textbook, and that it's a compendium of facts that need to be mugged up. That's anathema to a subject which is all about critical thinking
And then the idea that history's dated, has no relation to the present. Best represented in this song about Alexander and Raja Puru, "Sikander ne Porus se ki thi ladai, jo ki thi ladai toh main kya karoon". If only he knew how Puru's now a Punjabi hero
That's the major thing that schools overlook, causation in history! Events have a cause and an effect, and most events in history don't occur in a vaccum and neither do they die out in the past, their memories preserved in various modified forms continue to shape the present.
Just the basics that schools need to teach students, this is why a brief basic historical methodology course in schools is an absolute must. Children learn the scientific methodology in labs etc, why not historical methodology?
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