I used to have a wrong opinion about $SUSHI, but now everyone says $UNI is useless, Uniswap can't govern, V3 hopium.

Look UNI has the devs, the name recognition. It has the volume far and away, a clean simple design. It has no serious competitor. https://twitter.com/DegenSpartan/status/1343473344549568518
I actually have high hopes for $SUSHI as well, but it's whole market is built on subsidizing LPs with an overvalued governance token.

If Sushiswap can offer interesting /exclusive tokens on their platform through this method they have a chance.
But for now the long tail of the market exist entirely on Uniswap. No one is doing IDOs on Sushiswap. No project is incentivizing liquidity on Sushiswap. Projects need the most inept DeFi users to be able to find and buy their tokens. That's Uniswap.
It's a virtuous cycle between LPs/Buyers/Projects. Liquidity is the most needed but not the only thing that matters. Everyone's needs must be accounted for. Building a customer base does not happen overnight, even in DeFi.

Long story short, I'm long $UNI, hopeful $SUSHI.
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