I don’t know who this guy is but I fundamentally disagree with him for so many reasons.

He’s getting lots of RTs but cynical is not the same as wise.

I am not rich. But I have been working with people and their careers for two decades so I know a bit.

(Thread) https://twitter.com/ZoeParamour/status/1343467323932487680
His first assumption is conflating meaning and purpose with recognition, remuneration and status. That’s normal, lots of us do it.

But they’re not the same.

And one is a false goal because you can never have enough of it. Ask Jeff Bezos. Or any hedge fund manager in therapy.
His second false assumption is that a passion is a whimsical, self-indulgent thing. ‘Be a DJ in your part time’

My advice? If playing music to bring others joy makes you feel most alive, do that. Find ways to do it more.

Why deny the thing that makes you feel most alive??
Why is that not self indulgent? Because when you love something you find flow, you come alive, really alive. And that is a joy to witness. It gives others permission to do the same. It inspires.

The world needs more people experiencing joy and inspired to create it.
His 3rd assumption is that what pays your bills = the one thing you do = you.

This is where I love the Japanese concept of Ikigai. https://japanahome.com/journal/ikigai-the-japanese-secret-to-a-long-and-a-happy-life/

Lots of people think Ikigai is about the sweet spot - the convergence of all the elements...
But really Ikigai suggests that what pays the bills is a small part of who we are and the value we bring to the world.

In this uncertain world this is wise. Many jobs became unviable this year. Why make a job all you are? Why tie your identity to one fragile thing?
And, on the flip side, this ‘you are what pays the bills’ thinking is what leads us to devalue carers, volunteers, or performers who do other stuff between gigs.

If you are paying the bills doing the thing you love, are good at and the world needs you are v v lucky. Or Beyoncé.
So please practice your passion. In any way you can right now. Whether you are getting paid for it or not.

God knows the world needs it.

And stop making gurus of cynical white guys.
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