@KeralaBlasters got their first win of the season yesterday, and one of the goals came through a set-piece. Here is an analysis on how they worked it:
In my opinion, this set-piece was very well organized. There was movement, positioning and organization. From the first instant itself, Jessel moves closer towards the goal in case there is a rebound. Not at all static.
Look at how players are positioned here.
1 edge of the box
1 wide (in case the corner is over-hit)
1 further back to prevent counters
The two encircled players here are dummy runners.
Here, you can see Odei looking at Vicente Gomez. He was supposed to be his marker. If you saw previous set-pieces, he was always trying to be around Vicente. Even in the free-kick that led to this corner, he was on Vicente
However, he is obstructed here
Asish Rai marking Abdul Hakku without facing the ball...strange.
-Dummy runners run ahead to vacate space. Their markers follow.
-Odei leaning back and trying to get to Vicente.
-Asish still facing the wrong way
Mini-collision here, both Asish and Odei are disoriented. IMO, if Asish had been facing the ball, they could have prevented the goal. There would have been better communication and marking
-Space created successfully by dummy runners
-Odei unable to get to Vicente on back-post
-Asish too late to turn and Hakku is free
Good, driven ball and a well-planned set piece by @lakibuteka saw Blasters take the lead.
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