The following is a collection of messages, quotes, (face-to-face), and/or transmissions from several alien races obtained voluntarily and/or under custody and distress. They were obtained by several different Alien Presence Intelligent Services from around the world.
These statements do not express the opinion of all alien races on any of the mentioned issues, in fact, they differ substantially on some issues, especially when dealing with the future of the human race.
"The violence and hatred that humans have inside themselves when compared to the violence and hatred that the race Maitre has inside themselves, is like comparing a flower to a volcano". Ex-Naval intelligence has confirmed there is a galactic war happening between the Alliance
and the Maitre right now, as the Draco are being cleared from the Solar System, the Maitre are desperate to take-over, I believe this to be true. People are seeing many anomalies in the sky, mainly due to the anti-gravitic technology at play ie: plasma, portals etc.
Next message, the real interesting one: -

"In 2017, you will see the beginning...In 2022 you will see the beginning of the end unless you all change"

This corresponds with, firstly a certain "number", (THINK: "you won't believe who cue is" astrology to backs this up.
Messages as follows:-

"There are 834 known species at the same level that you humans were 3000 years ago...and they are not very far away from you...We have shown you to some of them like we have shown some of the others to you...
Now and then, and they are afraid of you, of what you may become".
"Your planet only has less than 1% of what many races that visit you want or need...But your planet is in the right place to all of them".
"The Anunnaki created you once. They will not create you again, we will destroy you and the Anunnaki, and the time is near". - this was from the Maitre.
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