In case I was shaddow-banned the other times, here's how I know we're safe. I've been irritated but it doesn't mean I don't still trust the Plan.

1. 2015 Oath video of Rogers and a mix of civilians & active duty military. "They Served in Silence" behind Rogers
2. Read Adm. Rogers bio. he was the what Director of NSA? He did what for Trump? Watch some YT vids about Sony hack a while back.
Who takes the "House" if it's to be taken under Constitution? Seals? Watch the water?? Who looked for Jr when the plane went down? Navy? Not sure he
3. was there but I think so. He & Gen Flynn talk about the same stuff. Speaking of there anything he can't do? I wonder if he can fly? (I actually don't know that one). Did you think he was Q? I did for a while. But we wouldn't be surprised, so..... Not to
4. mention the fact that he was tied up in court & under a 'gag order.' They couldn't win, but they sure could keep him busy so he can't talk publicly.
Now back to the Digital Soldiers.......did you ever wonder why we (most of us) first learned of such a thing as this on a public
5. forum as if it were a new thing yet there are videos waaaay back talking about it in great detail? NOT to mention this one BIG thing..........who the heck announces an investigation into people who have committed the most heinous acts BEFORE they are under control?? All the
6. smoke and mirrors and great pains to keep witnesses protected? Think Oswald and Jack Ruby. Remember Flynn in his book about "You don't start the battle until you know you've won the war?" They wanted [them] to panic but weren't concerned that panic would cause them to.....
7. kill and hide all the evidence? Remember why symbolism is so important for these people? Not just the smug attitude. Ok, lock them all up and throw away the key, right? NO.
You devise a way to draw the rest of them out. To move. And watch. Taking too long for this to be over?
8. They're not psychic. They have to make sure they do everything they can possibly do to save as many victims and catch as many of these evil bastards they can. Why did [they] go along with the smoke and mirrors? Why'd POTUS and others talk so much about how dumb these people
9. are when they're not?? Well, they're not. Not that dumb. Ever seen someone say they are paying "penance"? I did. Remember "No deals"? Yeah, um that's impossible. There were deals. I assure you there will be justice even still. Back to penance.....
Watch the vid of Schiff
10. reading the transcripts. Watch Devin Nunes, the one who's been quite obviously passionate about making them face Justice. "Read the transcripts!!" said by Trump soooooooo many times it seemed too much. So, ok, I got irritated. I didn't read them at first. BUT, you remember
11. how absolutely terrified Schiff looked as he read the transcripts? Remember how ultimately it was sealing his doom. They're not that dumb. Watch how casual Nunes was. Seriously. He was NOT surprised the man was changing that much knowing we could read along.
12. I really thought he must be more terrified of his handler than Trump because they wouldn't care one iota about his rights.
But the ridiculousness just wouldn't stop. It only got worse and sucked more people in. Seriously, you didn't wonder why they were acting so dumb?
13. Because Trump was happy and he was nailing them, maybe. There are also other definitions of the word that don't refer to intellect. I won't bore you with that. You know what I mean.
Back to Digital Soldiers. The only oath video I'm aware of that was shared over and over with
14. us was the one from 2015 w/ Rogers. Q came out in Oct. 2017. Why? Two years seems like a good number. Training? Makes more sense. Of course, I don't have confirmation but if Trump or those in
15. charge could, I'm sure they would take the opportunity to create small groups of like-minded patriots into discussions to do a number of extremely helpful things. Not just the plan but for US really. I don't know this for sure's the first thing I thought
16. before anything else. I knew they cared. They didn't need our help as much as we needed theirs but it was a great win/win; "a war of information." I've tried getting this out of some of them but they won't budge just FYI. We'll see later, I guess.
17. I'm trying to shorten this but I'm not good at that. Sorry.
Back to Rogers. When did he retire? What did he do next? A man so involved with CyberSecurity & such love for his country and he retires during the launch of the greatest war to save humanity??? BULL
(LOL 17 para)
18. That wasn't intended but I'm keepin' it that way!

NO social media that I can find, no mention of his name ever. I've not heard it for a very long time anyway. They said the same thing about Q. Sure, both can be true but wait, there's more.....did you read his Bio??
19. 17th Director of the NSA? Have you watched any interviews of Juan O' Savin. Tell me that's Jr. and I will come through this screen! LOL More on Juan in a few.
Joe M could very well be Jr. but stop already with him. If he's dead, he's dead. If not, it would be awesome!!
20. Yes, I know about the video of his cousin touching his nose. If he's dead but they say he isn't or allude to him being alive, there must be an important reason why we don't know yet. He became a huge distraction. Remember the third time Q said he wasn't alive? Wishful Anons?
21. I had just used "wishful thinking" when asking for help understanding. Maybe it was me, maybe not. All this time & he hasn't surfaced or confirmed and they are powerless? Please be careful not to get your hopes up.
22. The two main pics used are NOT him. NOT him. Take it for what it's worth. I can think of reasons why they still insist but nothing else really seems that complicated looking back.
Look, I have a CJ degree and investigative experience. I wasn't a great cop but I wasn't bad. I
23. should have caught the timing of the EO and when Q went public. It's basic. There have been too many different directions and distractions. It happens.
Had that gone public before they were controlled, the rest would be useless. That would also tip off any other outstanding
24. suspects. There are others but let's mention the Election since so many are still worried.
How long has this argument gone on? That the fraud is incredibly easy. That Trump knew they were going to cheat yet they still did?? You don't think there was a way to monitor and
25. get an accurate count ahead of the election? Again, are they really that dumb? Maybe a few but come on. If you're worried, DON'T!
They have said we are safe, POTUS is safe, and we will not lose. 100% controlled. Not 98%, not 99%. 100%.

More in a few. I'm exhausted.
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