Hey guys, we see a lot of misconceptions about DID and it's sister disorders, and we wanted to make a thread to dispel your false pretenses! (please retweet + share!)
"dissociative identity disorder (DID) is described as a disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states." (DSM5)

> That means that there are multiple people ("alters") sharing one body. These alters should be treated as their own +
+ separate people (because they are there own people), as they do not share the same worldview / opinions / thoughts / relationships as anyone else in the system.
> DID and it's sister disorders are caused by trauma.
DID and disorders like it (OSDD-1(a+b)) are purely caused by traumas in childhood, rather than everyone starting out with one whole self we all start out with freeforming pieces of one that help +
+ a child preform basic functions, and when the integration of these is interrupted by trauma amnesiac barriers form to protect the body. >these amnesiac barriers are what form alters. Rather than the misconception that people "split and fracture into pieces" like a plate +
+ it's more like a puzzle have pieces that look and feel wildly different. Most puzzles fit together and look the same in the end, the puzzles that represent systems look and feel wildly different and don't fit together but still belong in the same box.
> alter: someone in a system.
> host: the alter that fronts the most.
> splitting: a new alter being created by the brain due to new trauma / stress + heavy disassociation.
> singlet: someone without DID.
> switching: the dissociative state between alters having control.
> fronting: in-control of the body
> co-con: being able to see what's going on from inside.
> co-front: multiple alters fronting at once.
> passive influence: influence from other alters inside the head.
> headspace/innerworld: a place inside the head where alters can interact.
> introject: an alter based in an outside source. Just as valid and real as any other alter.
>> Ficitves: Fictives are alters based in fictional media (TV shows, books, etc.) and may have memories + consider themselves 100% their source. Please respect that.
>> Factives: +
Factives are alters based in outside sources that are real people, say a youtuber you like or a close friend that helped you through a hard time- having an introject of them would be called a factive. Factives are valid and real just like any other alter.
> Alters may sometimes have specific roles! you are not entitled to know these, they're often personal to the alter. Examples of some of these are Caregiver and Trauma Holder. A role is like having a job.
> Not every single alter will have a set clear job/role!
A persecutor is an alter who turns the ab-se back on the system. be patient with them, they will almost never harm outside the system and if they do speak to the host / someone who is not a persecutor about it. You are not obligated to forgive. most persecutors +
+ do not represent their entire system.
> There is no "murder alter". Alters are just people trying to live dude.
> Alters have their own ages, names, appearances, pronouns, species, etc. and you should respect all of those. They are their own people / beings. Alters come in all shapes and sizes and they're all valid.
No, nothing about DID is controllable. Alters are not a choice or decision, including introjects. Contrary to popular belief introjects are not a choice.

> side-note: introject heavy systems are very valid and just as real as any other system.
> OSDD-1 is essentially DID with a missing component.
> OSDD-1b: Alters with a distinct lack of amnesia between them.
> OSDD-1a: Amnesia / Switching lacking fully formed independent acting alters.
These types of systems are deserving of the sam respect as DID systems.
> Polyfragmentation is when a system has 100+ alters. These systems are still valid and deserve to be respected.
> side-note: some polyfragmented systems tend to be introject heavy.
> Systems may not know their trauma due to disassociation, or they may not want to share. Do not push them to share, if they aren't ready they aren't. You are not obligated to a system's trauma.
Never ever fakeclaim a system. It's traumatic and you never ever know if they are truly faking unless they tell you, you never really know. It's not up to you to decide their validity, that's between them and their professional (if they have one).
Feel free to let us know if we missed anything, it's three am here. Feel free to ask respectful questions + give suggestions as well. Thanks! - Nora & Co. sys
P.S. - not all systems have a headspace/innerworld. forgot to add. one can be created through communication and meditation, and some systems just have one from the get go.
[the get-go being when the system became a system]
+ Alters can be nonhuman! we have quite a few nonhumans, completely slipped our mind to add it. We apologize for that. /srs
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