Today is Childermas Day, the feast of the Holy Innocents, on the fourth day of Christmas. It's an appropriate day for the Coventry Carol and other medieval lullaby-laments:
There was an old tradition that Childermas was a very unlucky day, when no important undertaking should be started and no washing or cleaning should be done. Whichever day of the week it fell upon would be unlucky throughout the coming year.
'Childermas Day has always had a veil of sorrow over it'
The Coventry Carol, a medieval lament for the Holy Innocents, has itself survived losses: relic of a suppressed tradition of mystery plays, even its manuscript was destroyed by fire in 1879. On Christmas Day 1940, it was broadcast from the bombed-out ruins of Coventry Cathedral.
This is my favourite modern setting of the Coventry Carol...
Like the Coventry Carol, other mystery plays movingly evoke the grief of the mothers whose children were slain by Herod. Here, one mother laments 'my lullabies are lost'; another says that now her child is dead, her forty weeks of pregnancy have brought her seven years of sorrow.
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