Been seeing lot of bullishness on $ozon. Not negative on it but not very high on it either. Honestly wouldnt surprise me to see it drop further & hit ipo price of $30/share at some point. Growth has def accelerated and expected to be 55% cagr next 5 yrs but seems too optimistic
Negatives: lot of competition & not even leader in its own space in Russia. What happened to owning the best & paying up for that? This clearly not it as seems more an example of this is what we’ve got available to invest in so lets work with it & frame narrative around the stock
Russia is a vast territory so delivery, logistics, & warehousing will never be as profitable and with the weather much more challenging. Also concerned about potential retaliation (tariffs, sanctions) when biden gets into office. Most of russia economy is oil and precious stones
For me $ozon is a neutral here in the 40’s at best and likely worth what it should be if not even ahead of itself a bit. Everyone always looking for the next amazon of ___ and feel like theyre making this out to be that when its not. Could be wrong but just my thoughts
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