The biggest untold story of 2020 is that Moderna took just 48 hours in Jan to develop a 95% effective vaccine.

It then took 11 months for vaccinations to begin — largely because of huge regulatory burdens. Millions have died as a result.

We cannot ever wait this long again.
Moderna can develop and manufacture a vaccine within weeks of sequencing a new virus.

Now the method has been proven safe and effective, regulatory barriers must be removed and manufacturing prepared so there are never any delays in future.

We can prevent pandemics.
Just to clarify, as there’s either misunderstanding or a lot of bad faith interpretations of these tweets. I’m not saying we should release vaccines without any testing. I’m saying it will be possible to do much faster in future and save more lives.
We used to think vaccines had to take years, now we know it can take 11 months.

Why shouldn’t we try to make the process go even faster?

Prepared and pre-tested technology, manufacturing and logistics investment, challenge trials, and less red tape. It’s all possible.
You can follow @matthewlesh.
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