not to be that guy and apologies to the 3.5 mil population of karkat nation but the forest conversation between terezi and karkat just hits in such an intense way
you’re miz and someone is giving you a screed about why you shouldn’t be that they fully believe but that says much more about them and what they want from you than the comprehensive totality of what you’re feeling which you can’t communicate and emphatically don’t want to
karezis went soooo nuts over that conversation. in a metanarrative position, it’s about being trapped in position of imperfect romantic interest, knowing that if you were what people Wanted from you you’d be regular, and comforted, and easily fixable through love confession
tfw you are repelled by being saved by the boy who thinks he can Save you but too paralyzed by the guilt of being an Incorrect Girl Protagonist withholding emotional catharsis from karezi nation that you just.... say nothing and wait for him to run out of steam
and that’s the jake/terezi synthesis isn’t it, knowing that you are not Fixable via a kiss and a conversation, and that the state of being desired has never made anything better for anyone
and so you stay the same because, for the most part, the only alternative to being *you* that you’ve been presented with all your life is being Fixed for the purpose of consumability

much to think about gn
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