Can we talk about injuries in the NBA?

At one point last season, over 25% of the league was injured(a record) This season we are already seeing players go down

Players/management wanting shortened seasons, players sitting out back to backs, playing less minutes, etc

Supposedly players not being able to play as many minutes, the league having more injuries than ever, resting while healthy during the, and talk of shortening the season, is "evolved" and "better" than the past?

Also, the league (average age 26) is as young as ever.
And this is NOT related to the pandemic, bubble, etc. The 25%+ injury figure league wide is from before March of this year.

And, they have been talking about shortening seasons for 5+ years now, players have also been resting and taking back to backs off for some time.
A lot of the injuries are non-contact injuries as well, and to players under age 26....

This is also in a league that discourages physicality (bruising)... it is called the freedom of movement era for a reason.

Why is this not being talked about more?
You ever think that the system at the youth level (AAU, training, coaching practices, etc) has DE-volved? That a heavier emphasis on building complete all around athletes needs to be restored?
And do you ever think that these practices that started infiltrating the industry over a decade ago indeed took over completely, and this is why were are in the position we are in with the NBA today?

Why is none of this questioned? Why do we accept all of these injuries?
Did you ever think that maybe the heavier emphasis on bosu balls and resistance bands, and mostly just trying to simulate basketball specific movements, and having a "do it all" basketball trainer (as opposed to separate strength and conditioning trainer) is part of the problem?
And have you ever considered that all of this rest has these players going into the game cold, followed by trying to go at full speed, and that can cause a lot of these non-contact injuries?

A body in motion stays in motion.
Lastly, this is peak AAU NBA.... and we all know about the holes in the AAU system.

How anybody can call this "evolution" or "advanced".... it is mystifying to me.

You guys realize that bad practices over time can cause regression and decline, right?
And let's say kids are getting run into the ground via AAU & youth basketball

Clearly that would mean that the support SURROUNDING that activity is not sufficient, and that the programs themselves are hurting as opposed to helping.

That is not evolution or positive advancement
End of rant.
And actually, one last piece.

Big names and important players on MANY teams have been dropping like flies over the last few years. The injuries, the rest days from important players, etc on teams already incredibly thin on talent make the league even more watered down.
It causes blowouts like you saw today (Towns out, Minnesota gets embarrassed, Kawhi out, Clippers get embarrassed, etc)

The Wizards were 0-2, and Westbrook was rested tonight (they lost)... why does Russ need a game off 3 games into a season with NO injury?

Makes no sense.
Did you ever factor in distractions and short attention spans? (This is the HEIGHT OF IT), and how that impacts workouts/work ethic, and focus?

This is easily the most distracted generation, and also the generation most pummeled with advertising/"news"/influencers, etc
And the injuries just keep piling up.
AAU/youth basketball related.
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