1 like 1 confession......i’m one weird bitch. so like at your own risk.
i used to date fat niggas when i was in the closet cause i love titties. one of my ex bfs let me play with his moobs.
in jamaica i had a mental breakdown cause i saw my aunt fuckin the mailman. i was like 7.
i eat baby milk. specifically similac because i’m anemic and love the strong taste of iron.
i went to school in jamaica and used to get my ass beat for touching the teacher’s titty. i was like 9.
my whole life i suffered from such bad anxiety attacks that in 3rd grade i had bad diarrhea and shat myself 3 times in one day cause i was scared that my cousin was gonna tell my mom that i was gay.
last week i ate half an edible and had paranoia so bad that i overthought my existence and couldn’t understand words for 2 days. i’m still recovering.
first and only time i got my ass ate, i was in the bronx MILES away from my house in brooklyn and it started pouring out of nowhere. i fell into a huge puddle and thought god was trying to drown me for being a whore. i was 18.
i ghost people so often that my brain forgets people’s faces so i have to keep reminding myself what my friends look like. 😗
i literally have such bad trauma that sometimes i forget my own name.
i have such bad intrusive thoughts that sometimes its hard for me to walk downstairs cause i have to fight my brain not to throw me down them bitches.
i dragged a girl for a whole hour in 5th grade cause she threw pens in my face. they were gonna send me to juvie but the substitute told the girl’s parents that she was lying.
my two front teeth are fake cause a nigga pushed me into the floor at a school party.
during one of my driving lessons, the lady was racist so i farted repeatedly in the car and locked her window the entire hour. 😗
i fell in love with this stud in highschool but she didn’t like that i was also a stud so she told everyone i was stalking her.
first time i swallowed semen, i thought they were alive and panicked so hard that i threw up in the middle of the street.
i’m addicted to poking people. it’s literally something i HAVE TO do.
i didn’t start smoking weed until i was 20 cause i was afraid that my brain would shrink like them commercials they had about drug prevention.
my friend in highschool sucked her cousins dick on purpose and was mad that her mom didn’t let her do it again.
ever since my ass got fat, i don’t know how to properly twerk. i just pray it move.
i started calling women bitches the day i seen a bitch fuck a dog.
i actually dont talk much in person. idk how to properly interact unless it’s a professional setting
i was allergic to my first dildo so it got stuck in my vagina and i had hives from my bootyhole to my stomach. 🥲
i’m allergic to benadryl and almost died in my sleep cause i thought i was dreaming that i couldn’t breathe 😭
i used to pretend to catch the spirit at church so my mom would stop saying i’d go to hell for being gay. she was so proud 🥲
i can eat up to 4 hotdogs in one sitting.
in high school i accidentally gave my coochie a 2nd degree burn with nair cause my cousin said “if it burns, it’s working”
my cousin used to take us to the middle of the street and leave us there when cars are coming. after a while of her doing this, i didn’t run back out the street and they’d have to pull me out cause i wanted to get hit. 😗 i was like 5
one time i was so anxious that my mom was gonna beat me that i broke out into hives and she took me to the hospital instead. jesus saved me that day no cap.
my first gf was actually in the psych ward. i went there cause i tried to eat figs (i’m dangerously allergic) to off myself and the middle school guidance counsellor called le popo. my gf was a fine ass stud and she told me that we were together or she pushing me out the window.
i used to cook french fries on light bulbs when i was 4. my parents let me do it because they thought i’d be a scientist when i grew up. now i’m a disappointment. 😗
i threw up on the kid who gave me my first kiss cause he slobbered all over my mouth.
i’ve never seen any drugs but weed in person .
the day of my surgery, there was a guy in the room across from me whose eye kept jumping out his head. when the nurse wasn’t around, he would beg me to put it back in. i didnt because my brain kept telling me to pop it. 😗
idk my left from my right.
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