Yes I saw the "Don't ruin the future of a white girl who knew saying racial slurs was wrong but did it anyway" discourse. As always people are perfectly content to say "Too young to face consequences" about white youth out of the same mouths that call Black kids adults.
Not getting into your first choice college isn't having your future or your life ruined. Ask the Black kids who went to jail on trumped up charges or worse yet died for the sin of having their music on, having a toy, fitting the description, not being white in America...
Stop looking to Black people to have sympathy for a 15 year old's racism when you'll rationalize away the body slamming of Black girls in school. The nerve to make excuses for hate speech while pretending to abhor racism...some of y'all have nothing but audacity.
Stop yammering about protecting the future of white kids from the consequences of their own actions when you can't even manage to protect our kids from the consequences of your votes.
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