Shoutout to NBC's "MVP candidates" graphic including Derrick Henry but ignoring Alvin Kamara

Don't get me wrong, Henry's been great. But rushing stats aren't more valuable than points/total yards.

- Kamara: 1,688 total yards, 21 TDs
- Henry: 1,843 total yards, 15 TDs
And keep in mind, Derrick Henry gets the ball an insane amount.

As of this tweet he has 341 touches on the season. Alvin Kamara has 270 thru Week 16.

So if you want to look at in a way that makes sense...
- Henry: 5.4/.04
- Kamara: 6.25/.07
For context, if you project Kamara's per-touch averages to Henry's usage rate thru Week 16 ... it lands at roughly 2,131 total yards, 26 TDs
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