Omega Deku tries to hide his pregnancy because he doesn’t want to have to stop working. It was a one time hook up... it’s nothing serious. Kacchan wouldn’t want him or the baby if he knew, so Deku hides it and avoids Kacchan like the plague. He knows that the alpha will
Smell pregnancy on him because it’s his baby. It’s not that he doesn’t want the baby, but he just feels like he doesn’t know what the hell to *do*. How do you raise a baby alone??

It works, past the little bump on his tummy and the way his hips widen. It works until
Kacchan randomly shows up at a pro hero gala. He NEVER comes to these things. Before Izuku can move, the blonde is stomping up to him, frowning and angry. When he gets close enough to smell Izuku, he stops dead in his tracks, his eyes growing large with understanding.
He grabs Izuku by the elbow, pulling him away from the crowd. “Deku you didn’t-“ he starts, his voice a low dangerous growl.

“Not here,” Izuku says, shaking his head. “Not now.”

Kacchan’s nostrils flare, and Izuku can smell the fury leaving him in waves.
“Fine. But after.”

Izuku nods his assent, and watches Kacchan stalk back to his table.

Izuku leaves before the gala is done. He does something he hasn’t done maybe ever.

He turns his back from Kacchan and leaves him behind once more.
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