"The province needs to institute dedicated and independent IPAC leaders for each home,” as the Quebec government has done, argues Vivian Stamatopoulos, associate professor at Ontario Tech University, long-term-care researcher and passionate advocate for seniors".
"Rapid response teams to go into outbreak afflicted homes, rather than a “wild dash” to assist those facilities struck by the virus. Standardized emergency crisis protocols. Deploy the military, as necessary, which the federal government did in the spring — "
"doctors, nurses and orderlies who documented a shocking litany of poor infection control, neglect of patients and “aggressive behaviour” by staff.

“We need the trifecta — all hands on deck,” says Stamatopoulos.
"It’s always reactive instead of proactive, with the province downloading the problem to local public health units. Hire the proper people and pay them a proper salary. The government has the funds to do that."
“Throw some money at the problem, Mr. Premier. Or have you just made the decision that seniors’ lives aren’t worth it?” Said Stamatopoulos.
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