The misleading ways #pharmacists are portrayed in movies and on television harms the profession, undermines our credibility, and deceives our patients who benefit from knowing what we do.

Let's dispel some myths, Twitter
#TwitteRx #MedTwitter #infodemic
Myth: #pharmacists are portrayed as blabbermouths, unbound by privacy laws. In "That 70's Show", the #pharmacist tells everyone at the pharmacy that Donna is on birth control.

Truth: #pharmacists, like other HCPs, are bound by HIPAA.
Myth: #Pharmacists will always loudly yell and repeat your request for Plan B to embarrass you. Shrill's trailer shows this.

Truth: #Pharmacists have seen it all and don't care if you need Plan B. They don't want to embarrass you but they do want to help.
Myth: #Pharmacists enjoy putting up arbitrary barriers to Plan B. Sex Education #pharmacist tells Otis he needs a vagina to buy Plan B.

Truth: 95% of pts live w/in 5 miles of a pharmacy so #Pharmacists can help bridge care gaps. Anyone can buy Plan B.
Myth: The movie Run (on @Hulu) showed a #Pharmacist refusing to answer a med question to a girl who was clearly being abused.

Truth: #Pharmacists are usually mandatory reporters. Also, you don't need to be a patient to get help IDing a medication or asking a drug question.
Myth: #Pharmacists are all old men who flirt with their pts 🤢. The movie IT unfortunately shows this.

Truth: The profession's demographics have changed a lot and aren't just white males. Integrity and professionalism are still a top priority.
Myth: #Pharmacists refuse to dispense opioids and syringes based on pt appearance as seen in The Hangover.

Truth: The opioid epidemic amplified opioid hypervigilance. While well-intentioned, #Pharmacists should use other metrics when dispensing opioids.
Myth: #Pharmacists only dispense meds and don't care to know med indication. The 1999 film Magnolia shows this (mature language).

Truth: #Pharmacists are expertly trained to check for drug interactions, safety, and efficacy of each prescription.
Myth: #Pharmacists lightheartedly use addictive medications while working. Two and A Half Men exaggerates this.

Truth: Being under the influence on the job is illegal.
Myth: #Pharmacists hate their jobs as demonstrated by the short-lived Amazon show Vials.

Truth: The demands on the job are increasingly challenging but #Pharmacists enjoy helping patients optimize their meds.
Myth: All the above examples show that #pharmacists only work in the community setting.

Truth: Some of the many places #pharmacists work include: community/retail, hospital, clinic, military base, long-term care, university, research, FDA, CDC, and #publichealth departments.
I'll acknowledge that many medical professions are poorly portrayed on TV (Grey's Anatomy anyone?).

However, the understanding of #pharmacist roles among other HCPs is lacking. TV shows like The Pharmacist can help improve the public's awareness.
#TwitteRx, what other examples am I missing?
Also, @Hulu @netflix @PrimeVideo @UniversalPics @wbpictures @ParamountPics @20thcentury etc - if you ever want a consultant to more accurately portray #pharmacists, DM me 😁
You can follow @kathrynmarwitz.
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