Fascinating. https://twitter.com/krvarshney/status/1343236227374473217
“The conferees believe that artificial intelligence systems have the potential to transform every sector of the United States economy, boosting productivity, enhancing scientific research, and increasing U.S. competitiveness and that the United States government should use this..
..Initiative to enable the benefits of trustworthy artificial intelligence while preventing the creation and use of artificial intelligence systems that behave in ways that cause harm. The conferees further believe that such harmful artificial intelligence systems may include..
..high-risk systems that lack sufficient robustness to prevent adversarial attacks; high-risk systems that harm the privacy or security of users or the general public; artificial general intelligence systems that become self-aware or uncontrollable; and artificial intelligence..
..systems that unlawfully discriminate against protected classes of persons, including on the basis of sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin, or religion. Finally, the conferees believe that the United States must take a whole of government approach to..
..leadership in trustworthy artificial intelligence, including through coordination between the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, and the civilian agencies.”
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