DCPS did a survey data dump on Christmas Eve hoping that we all would miss it. We didn’t miss it! They posted results from three different surveys. https://dcpsreopenstrong.com/surveys/ 
1. First, DCPS administered an elementary school survey that was taken by about 10,000 parents/guardians with kids in grades PK-5. …https://45biv636w8lm1agg3ozqtqg1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/DCPS_RCC_Secondary_Survey.pdf
2. Generally speaking, majority of parents in Wards 5, 7, 8 (schools with highest % of Black students) prefer virtual only, whereas majority of parents in Wards 3, 4, 6 (schools with highest % of White students) prefer some form of in-person.
3. This item was intended to show that parents don’t care if their kids' teachers change, but it actually shows the opposite. *Of the people considering in-person at all*, 36% said they would NOT do in-person if kid’s teacher changed.
4. Another 47% said that keeping same teacher was still important even if they would do in-person with a teacher switch, and only 17% said they didn’t care if teacher changed.
5. This graph is so striking. Majority of parents in Ward 5, 7, 8 want virtual only, and only 18-28% of parents in these wards would send their kids in-person if the teacher changed. Ward 3 was the only ward where the majority of parents wanted in-person even if teacher changed.
6. This graph shows greater preference for in-person for families of younger children, which makes sense, but we can’t rule out confounding factors (like higher survey response rates for parents in certain wards with younger or older children).
7. Switching surveys now, DCPS also hired a pollster to gauge parents’ pulses on re-opening and communication, and the response rates were not good. You had to create an account to access the survey. …https://45biv636w8lm1agg3ozqtqg1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Trendency-DCPS-Report-3-Nov-2020.pdf
8. Results were skewed towards Ward 3, so it’s no surprise that majority of respondents said they wanted in-person. Survey data still show though that White parents (and Latino to slightly lesser extent) want in-person to a greater extent than Black parents.
9. Perhaps that’s because Black parents trust DCPS to a lesser extent than other parents to provide a safe and productive learning environment.
10. All racial groups are concerned about getting Covid AND their kids’ achievement and well-being, and Latino parents report the highest rates of concern across all three.
11. DCPS gets a failing grade from parents of all races/ethnicities on communication. Communication from individual schools is rated higher.
12. I don't know what the purpose of this survey item was but YES, parents care about safety measures, all of them, don’t take shortcuts. This item had the highest average ratings by far.
13. There was also a third, DCPS-administered survey to parents/guardians of secondary students, and you can see the results of that here: …https://45biv636w8lm1agg3ozqtqg1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/DCPS_RCC_Secondary_Survey.pdf
14. I'm not sure DCPS got the answers it was looking for. So... they'll prob just administer another survey. See ya'll next time.
Correction: The link for the DCPS-administered survey to elementary school parents/guardians is here: …https://45biv636w8lm1agg3ozqtqg1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/DCPS_RCC_Elementary_Survey.pdf
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