I always encourage my students to make time for themselves and to take care of their health. I telI them how important it is to do those things. I was a hypocrite. This is me on March 4, 2020.
I was recently divorced with three young girls. I was 51. I weighed about 240 and hadn’t worked out in a very long time.
March 27, 2020 was the 6th anniversary of the day we brought my dad home from the hospital for hospice care. He was dying from esophageal cancer. On his death bed, he told me to take care of my health so I didn’t end up like him. I promised I would. I lied.
When I woke up on March 27, 2020, I decided I needed to stop being a hypocrite and a liar and to try to live a healthier life for these three girls.
So I went on a walk. And every day, for the past 276 days, I’ve done something to improve my health. I’ve walked a lot. I’ve lifted some light weights. I’ve done some body weight exercises. And I’ve been running.
I started with the couch to 5k and kept going. I hated running. I hate running. But it was a way to be healthy and work off stress. And to think.
This is me today. I turned 52 today. I ran a half-marathon today (plus an extra tenth, because my middle daughter asked me to.)
I wasn’t fast. And I hated it. But I did it. For my kids. For my dad. And for my students who I try to set an example for.
I’ve made this so people can’t reply. I don’t want this thread to be about me. I hope it encourages others to find the strength to begin to make the changes they want to make in their lives. I also want to give myself some accountability so I keep this up.
As the ads said: Just do it.
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