Chainlink @chainlink

Blockchain-based smart contracts are the next generation of digital agreements. However, smart contracts require a secure & reliable connection to external data existing outside the blockchain commonly known as the - oracle problem

$LINK - Problem Solved
Chainlink @chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely access off-chain data feeds, web APIs, and traditional bank payments.

$LINK - delivers credentialed off-chain data utilizing high-quality data providers for smart contracts.
Chainlink @chainlink

How smart contracts are improving, their growing use of oracles and new data sources, as well as the cryptoeconomic security that externally connected smart contracts will come to rely on.

$LINK - Decentralized and Tamper-Proof.
Chainlink @chainlink oracles not only act as a two-way bridge between smart contracts and the outside world, they also provide a security framework to protect against single points of failure such as data manipulation and downtime.

$LINK - Keep stacking.
Chainlink's @chainlink decentralized oracle network provides reliable, tamper-proof inputs and outputs for complex smart contracts on any blockchain. Securing billions of dollars in value for market-leading blockchain projects.

Chainlink @chainlink is not a single Oracle network, but an ecosystem of many distributed Oracle networks running in parallel. Each Oracle network can provide a large number of Oracle services without interdependence on other Oracle networks.

$LINK - King of smart contracts.
Jack @Uglitoito my first extended Chainlink thread, not sure if I should say, $LINK - Keep stacking. My understanding of Chainlink and its endless possibilities, stimulate my senses and I get carried away.

$LINK - a heterogeneous Oracle network, comfy.
finrekt @finrekt I laugh so hard. I started this Chainlink thread in a suit and ended up on top of a bed, naked. Like Chainlink and its 360+ integrations, I have gone full circle. I look forward to 2021 and all of Chainlink’s achievements, we are so fortunate.
You can follow @Don_ChainLink.
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