People who argue about Bitcoin vs. Ethereum, and weather they are cooperative or competitive, etc. never seem to mention the most important aspect of their existence:
economic utility

In plain language "How can I make money with BTC or ETH"
Bitcoin has clearly established economic utility as a speculative instrument. People buy it because number (can) go up, and that's an easy way to make money.

But this isn't built to last. As soon as that goes away, people fade from wanting it. So why do people *need* Bitcoin?
Bitcoin has found a niche use as a currency in countries where currencies are failing. As a highly portable and widely accepted currency, it's very attractive for that use case. Its a small but growing portion of the "Bitcoin economy", a valuable and long-lasting use case
Ethereum has a thriving digital art economy. Most of this digital art sales is taking place using ETH, which is perhaps surprising for some thinking stablecoins would take precedence. It's a valuable part of the "Ethereum economy", one I hope sticks around as a trend long term
These are some examples of what I really think "matters" when talking about cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What can I do with it?
Where can I spend it?
How can I earn it?

These are the biggest questions we should be asking, not arguing about nerdy memes.
The TAM of cryptocurrencies is nothing short of the entire global economy itself (and perhaps interplanetary one day!)

It's about organizing capital flows to work natively with the most fundamentally ground-breaking technology ever developed: the Internet

Nothing less will do.
Continuing to argue about memes like 21m and "minimal issuance" is incredibly shortsighted for us cryptonerds

If fiat currency teaches us anything, it's that it really doesn't matter what the issuance of a reserve currency is at all, only how strong of an economy it is backed by
You could have a credibly immutable supply forever, (like say a car with only 4 models ever produced and the designer died), it doesn't mean shit if no one cares about it and uses it. It's just a collectible at that point without an economy driving it's use!
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