We do NOT live in a country that merits a RESET. #cdnpoli (Thread) 1/10
Is Canada perfect? No. There are areas where we’re still growing, restoring and improving. Yet, in spite of our faults, Canada is still the best country in the world. We live in a free society with a social safety net, we have healthcare and a democratic governmental system. 2/10
Our land is resource rich and we have some of the highest environmental standards in the world. Our people are compassionate, caring, resourceful, entrepreneurial and driven. 3/10
The reset Justin Trudeau speaks about would manifest in the clamping down on freedom and individual responsibility and give more power to the government to “reimagine economic systems.” 4/10
One of the pillars in the planned economic renovation is equitability. Here’s the hitch, freedom creates inequality. The only way to have a more equal society, is the have one that is less free. 5/10
You don’t transform something that is already good. You can make adjustments, revisions and modifications for areas where there are problems. For Justin Trudeau to say that Canada needs to be “reset” is, in the words of the left, offensive. 6/10
The problem with the Liberal rhetoric around this reset, and plan to “build back better,” is that it magnifies the problems in our country in order to justify a societal reengineering, and it crowns the government as the only entity that can resolve these monstrous defects. 7/10
This government-centric approach steals away from the ingenuity, resolve and creativity of the Canadian people and it positions the government of the day as the nation’s saviour. 8/10
If there were any transformational adjustment to take place, I would hope that it would be a reversion to the pre-Trudeau II era where people were put before government, where Canada was a country revered and respected on the world stage, 9/10
where industry was supported, not punished, and where Canadians were considered inherently valuable, not because of their political stripe or leftist values, but because they are members of an incredible nation that is freedom-loving and full of potential. 10/10
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