1 in 1,000 Americans has died from the coronavirus. 3,000 people dead every day. And all it would’ve taken to prevent it is for corporate profits to level off for a few months. These were victims of capitalism in the most direct sense.
Our own government, in its capacity as an organ of ruling class power, is the greatest threat to public health and welfare that exists, not only for us but for the entire world. Fascism is when imperialism comes home.
This is eugenics. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1343331127789035524
Indigenous, Black, undocumented, elderly and disabled people are bearing the brunt of this pandemic, which is undoubtedly driving the state response of criminal negligence and the bourgeois position of “getting America back to work.” Fascist extermination of the “unproductive.”
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. The state and the ruling class had the knowledge and the power to end this pandemic and prevent these 333,000+ deaths and chose, for an entire year of death and desperation, to do nothing. That’s intentional. It’s mass murder.
Immediately following the Wuhan outbreak, China built Huoshenshan Hospital in SEVEN DAYS to ensure that medical need didn’t exceed the capacity of its healthcare system. What is the United States doing? Sending people home to die because they’re too old, too sick, too powerless.
People are objecting to my calling rationing of care “eugenics” but the fact is that if the government cared to provide adequate care and prevent rampant spread of the virus, there would be no need to ration care. This was a predictable result of intentional policy. Eugenics.
And we won’t even begin to see the surge in hospitalizations and deaths from Christmas travel and gatherings for another two weeks. This is going to get so much worse, *qualitatively* worse, as hospitals around the country begin to reach ICU capacity. We can’t let this continue.
Based on the replies there seems to be a misconception that the pandemic has hurt capitalism by wrecking the economy. If you look at the stock market and consider that billionaires have gained $1 trillion since the pandemic began, you’ll realize the rich are doing quite well.
This is where class analysis is useful. The rich don’t care how the economy is doing; they care how the economy is doing FOR THEM.
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