Every time I've seen companies roll their own implementation, it's resulted in _any_ compromised workstation being able to retrieve _all_ local Administrator passwords.

Just use LAPS.

Protected Users is the next OP tool. It gets a lot of security wins for all members of that built-in group.


Start with DA's, one at a time. You'll likely have no issues. Work your way up to all users with any admin rights anywhere.

More on Credential Guard: It's easy to add to your physical devices (you have a TPM, unless your OEM _really_ screwed you over), but VM's can have a vTPM too, which CredGuard requires.

Initial compromise is inevitable. Breaches are not.

To prevent successful breaches, defenders need to detect and respond to attackers before they accomplish their goal. Therefore, defenders have two goals...

Defender's Goal #1: Lowering the time to detect and respond to an attacker
Defender's Goal #2: Making it take longer for an attacker to accomplish their goal

This thread outlines some great tech for Goal #2. Detective controls are critical, as attackers _will_ eventually succeed unless you detect and respond before they accomplish their goal.

What can you currently detect? https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team is a great place to test.

Focus your detective control efforts on the TTP's most commonly used by _your_ adversaries.

They need to operate to win. As @brysonbort says, attackers are made of atoms, too, and use the same physics that we do.

From http://bit.ly/findingmalware :

After the above, here are some initial goals:

Focus on preventive controls until pen tests take longer than a week to go from compromised endpoint to DA.

Focus on detective controls until you can run a tool from src>dst and your SOC can tell you what, where, when, etc.

The landscape is always changing. Tighten up your security with the above, move to latest supported Windows versions (Windows 10 / Server 2019), and keep nimble.

The ability to change is a pre-req for security.

Thanks for attending my TED talk.

You can follow @jeffmcjunkin.
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