Jimmy Galligan got a 3 second video of a White 15 year old girl saying the N-word while singing along to a rap song. He posted the clip publicly 4 years later when the girl started university to maximize impact and ruin her life.

Guess what, he left his social media public...
it turns out Jimmy Galligan, who ruined a girls life over a 4 year old snapchat video, made a video where he complains about being depressed in his freshman year of highschool because things he did in 6-8th grade followed him into highschool and he got judged for them.

Jimmy Galligan knew how it felt to have things from his past follow him into his next stage of life and be to judged for them. Then he went and did that exact thing to someone else. However...

The problem is media like the New York Times give people a medium to destroy each other lives, and hire reporters like @alyssaschukar and @TaylorLorenz to encourage and pour gas on the fire of cancel culture by writing social media gossip columns masquerading as tech reporting
Then people in positions of power in elite institutions, people who are supposed to be adults in the room, go along with the demands of mobs whipped up by people on social media evem though most of the people in the mob have never met any of the people involved in the story...
Jimmy Galligan admits in the article his own Father used the n-word.

His dad, who is *A WHITE SKINNED FORMER LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER* used the N-word. So Jimmy Galligan pulled his Dad, an adult, aside to qjietly explain why that isn't ok. He did not ruin his Dad's life...
Whem a teenage school mate used the N-word Jimmy Galligan ruined her life. When his white skinmed father who is full grown adult and former law enforcement officer says the N-word, a private explanation is in order.

That's what mob justice does: it applys outrage selectively
We have to stop doing this to ourselves. After all, we are the mob, it almost always us...regular people. We are doing this to ourselves and we need to stop.

That said, we also have to stop letting the media pour gas on the fire of cancel culture and social media vengence.
Punishing people after the fact for things they did in high school is going to ruin so many lives and so many futures. This helps no one.

All it does is feed the selfish and self-righteousness egos of our self appointed moral betters.

We need to stop.

We. Need. To. Stop.
Also, leave Jimmy Galligan alone. One pile on does not solve another pile on. Let people in his life who know better teach him. If they don't it will come back to bite him, we don't need to take matters into our own hands with our own social media mob. Don't do it

Lets be good to each other, and be forgiving. Let's be charitable amd admit our mistakes.

Lord knows we all need it.

People are claiming the girl wasn't singing along to a song. I'm not sure. There is music there, but I can't hear the lyrics. Given it's 4 years old and given the rest of my thread I'll stand by what I said.

However, here is the video so everyone knows I hide nothing.
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