I have very sad news. Kent State activist Alan Canfora, one of the 13 students who was shot on May 4, 1970, has died. His sister, Chic, just posted this.
Alan has been THE driving force in the May 4 protest community since 1970. His dogged determination to squeeze the truth out of the Ohio government and the National Guard prevented a total cover up of the Kent State Massacre .
He forced the university to accept its history, when all it wanted to do was sweep it under the rug. Almost every revelation about that fateful day in the ensuing decades can be traced to Alan’s tireless work.
He was fearless as a 20-year-old student protestor, and relentless as an activist. His passion resulted in a backlash from Guard apologists, and callous dismissals from many in local media, who advised him to “get a life” and move on. Alan wouldn’t, not until the truth was known.
The last remaining issue, after 50 years of Obfuscation and lies, is WHY the 16 members of G Troop opened fire on unarmed student protestors, and WHO gave that order to fire. How unfair that he didn’t live to see those questions answered.
Alan was a tremendous help to me as I researched my book. I put off contacting him until I had done enough work that I could discuss the history intelligently. I was a little cautious, since his rep was someone who didn’t suffer fools.
I explained to him that I was an outsider, since the Students of 1970 are very protective of that history.

“I wasn’t a part of it,” I said.

“Well,” answered Alan, “You are now.”

I’ll never forget that.
don’t know if he liked the book or not. I sent him a copy, but he didn’t offer an opinion. It doesn’t really matter.

His passion and his quest for justice was an inspiration. Safe travels, Alan.
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