We're almost 9 months on from the end of his leadership, and over 12 months since a shattering, devastating defeat. But if, like half the country, you're unhappy we're leaving the EU with this lousy deal, you cannot blame Jeremy Corbyn.

If you do, you're ignoring the facts.
You can't blame someone who campaigned for Remain: much more heavily than so many like to pretend and lie about

You can't blame someone who voted for Remain

You can't blame someone who blocked Theresa May's deal again and again and again and again
You can't blame someone who was the only leader in the entire country who sought compromise and to bring a fractious, divided public together

You can't blame someone who understood the root causes of Brexit - inequality, poverty, austerity - and wanted to tackle them
You can't blame someone who, against his better judgement, was brought round to supporting a 2nd referendum

After years of being attacked for not loudly backing such a referendum, what happened then? Remainers ratted on him and Labour.
"No no! Despite campaigning for Remain, voting for Remain, blocking May's deal constantly and backing a 2nd referendum, he's FOR BREXIT! Vote Lib Dem to... hand the whole country to the hard Brexit Tories"

Many of us warned about this throughout. Fanatical idiots ignored us.
If you voted Tory or Lib Dem but not Labour in the pivotal, era-shaping 2015 general election, own it.

If you didn't vote Remain in 2016 - if you sat it out, as plenty did - own it.

If you didn't vote Labour in 2017, own it.

If you voted Tory or Lib Dem in 2019, OWN IT.
And if, as many in the Parliamentary Labour Party and People's Vote campaign did throughout 2015-2019, you spent that time punching not rightwards, but leftwards, on some disgraceful mission to bring down a good man, damn well OWN IT.
Those people rejected chance after chance to compromise. They rejected a government of national unity; they rejected Ken Clarke's proposals of a customs union; they even failed to vote against May in a vote of no confidence.

And then they demanded another general election.
That election was, much more than anyone else, a Lib Dem ruse. Because fracking Jo Swinson - every bit as much of a narcissist as Boris Johnson, but completely incompetent at being so - was delusional enough to think she could get another coalition with the Tories.
No non-Tory is more responsible for where Britain now finds itself than she is. She will go down in ignominy in the history books, and so will her good for nothing party.

What Corbyn tried to do was brave. It failed. The biggest reason it failed was attacks from his own side.
But in the end, it's up to people who should know better - but never ever do - to wake the hell up and pay attention. Instead, most of them still can't see beyond the end of their own noses and beyond their smug, self-satisfied, "it's everyone else's fault" bubble.
Labour now has little choice other than to support the deal. That's yet another disastrous consequence of First Past The Post: which most right wing Labour dinosaurs have failed to even try to change for something fair and representative, while Clegg's Lib Dems sold out on PR.
FPTP wildly over-represents Leave constituencies and Remain voters are piled up in safe seats. Corbyn knew that all along... and look at the treatment he got as a result.

But whether Labour supports the deal or abstains, it cannot magically eliminate an 80-seat Tory majority.
Just like Corbyn couldn't magically eliminate a Tory plus DUP majority in the House of Commons: yet was blamed for not being able to wave a magic wand by those who sabotaged him in the first place.

Deal with it, people. Live with it. And learn to count while you're at it.
Jeremy Corbyn spent the best part of 5 years trying to PREVENT where Britain finds itself now. He was on the side of the angels. Most of those blaming him now did nothing whatsoever to help him, Labour, or Remain; and couldn't even be bothered to look at the root causes either.
Memo to those people. Either wake the hell up NOW, stop blaming all those whose only crime was to want a more caring, more compassionate, decent society... or this will get worse. Far worse. Bringing back capital punishment worse.
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