1/ The COVID law fatigue argument for increase spread is fundamentally flawed and weak as it assumes efficacy. Though people are sick of the nosy, rude, hysterical voices, there is very little IRL evidence that these laws are practical or impact the infection curve notably.
2/ We regularly see articles and tweets condemning a lack of adherence to various incongruent and illogical COVID laws. These suffer from ascertainment and sampling bias.

Those that don’t believe the restrictions won’t follow the restrictions.

Shocking, I know.
3/ Polling data and our individual experience shows that adherence was well into the super majority. No rational mind assumes 100% compliance with any policy. Rather these events were reported because of their heterodoxy and a desire to push conventional thinking.
4/ COVID law follows political zealotry not IRL evidence or EPI data. Countries mimic each other and politicians follow roads paved by others. “Evidence” is backed into and voices are cherry picked because the goal is already predetermined. It’s not science but politics 101.
5/ “COVID law fatigue” continues to name, blame, and shame innocent people. Rather is it more probable these COVID restrictions just simply don’t work?

Leaders aren’t honest or brave enough to tell us the truth: it’s not your fault.
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