1) Dr. Anthony Fauci re: PCR tests: "If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, the chances of it being replication competent are miniscule."
2) Forbes: "...a "replication competent" virus means a virus that is able to reproduce and thus infect someone."
3) Look at the cycle thresholds used in Provincial PCR testing in Canada as listed in the Journal of Clinical Virology, 2020. Apparently, only Newfoundland uses a cycle threshold under 35.
4) Other virologists agree with Dr. Fauci's assessment.
5) Why is this important? According to the New York Times:
"Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk." [sic]
6) In addition to PCR tests, the Government of Canada also uses serology testing to determine the extent of public health measures, despite the CDC's warnings of using it to establish the presence of infection.
7) Furthermore, Dr. Fauci made it very clear that "...asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person."
8) Logical Conclusions:
i) PCR test cycle thresholds in Canada are almost entirely incapable of accurately determining whether someone is actually infected or infectious.
ii) Asymptomatic people have little to no effect on transmission rates.
i) Why are healthy, asymptomatic people forced - under penalty of fines and/or arrest - to wear masks and close their businesses?
ii) Should we just selectively listen to the so-called experts?
iii) Which, if any, measures are actually scientifically based?
iv) What do you think about the necessity and effectiveness of mask mandates and lockdowns?
v) At what point will you refuse to comply with arbitrary and unscientific control measures that affect your human rights as well as your physical and mental health?
11) Who is in charge of determining the need for mask mandates, lockdowns, and securing Covid vaccine availability in Canada? The answer may not sit well with you.

Please take another few minutes to review my findings on Canada's Covid-19 Task Force. https://twitter.com/greg_scott84/status/1324247622484283392?s=19
12) Thank you for reading and sharing this information. It is absolutely imperative for all to understand this as we quickly move into a strict, medically tyrannical society.
You can follow @greg_scott84.
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