something I recommend doing that I have spent a lot of intentional energy practicing with myself this year is decoupling your taste in media from moral rightness. like, you don't have to have the moral high ground to dislike a story. sometimes it's just not for you.
something else I recommend doing is going outside and looking at some birds for a while.
obviously lots of things ARE actively racist or sexist or antisemitic or homophobic but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean the internet culture impulse to consider your disliking something a testament to your moral superiority or performative wokeness. just let it go.
the ability to parse when one becomes the other comes from critical thinking skills & a willingness to admit you're wrong about things. you can never go wrong going outside to look at some birds either.
to be fair I think we are really trained to think that having the correct opinions only grants us moral standing over others who don't, but it becomes more patently ridiculous when extended to hating a tv show or genre of music or something.
the judgment of our values and goodness should come from our demonstrated actions and how we treat other people. I am as bad at this as you are but I try very hard! that's all.
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