I want to explain this, since fucking moron @marcorubio is spreading more COVID disinformation. (After pushing to the front of the line for vaccines.) Fauci hasnt lied once. Marco is too stupid to understand science. When more data arrives in science, recommendations change.../1
...in March, when Fauci said masks not necessary except in places of high infection rates (hospitals etc), COVID was though to be like other diseases caused by coronaviruses (a type of virus, not solely COVID.) Those primarily spread by hand. Also, no one knew COVID was.../2
...aerosolized. This means it could linger in the air, & move around a room for as much as 7 minutes even infecting someone nearby but not in front of you. Masks were needed by doctors etc. because 1. They know how to use them (most people didn't), and the primary purpose.../3
...was preventing doctors, nurses, etc. from touching their mouths and nose if they touched something where COVID virus was. They had HIGH risk of infection because of the constant proximity to people with COVID virus on their hands. People who weren't exposed did not need.../4
...masks, it was thought, because people untrained often touch the masks when they are wearing them to adjust etc., and if you think it is like other coronaviruses and spread by hand, you wanted to avoid this. ALSO, there was the issue of running out of masks in hospitals..../5
...because Trump wouldnt invoke the Defense Production Act, we had a shortage of the N-95 masks for the hospitals. So, if Fauci had said anything else, he would have been misstating the evidence as it existed at that point - and when we have a new virus, the initial evidence.../6
...is often weak - and he would have been leading to a shortage for the people who actually did need it. Soon after, the research showed that the risk of hand to face was significantly lower than the risk of microdroplets from speech. At that point, masks became essential.../7
...because, speaking to someone (particularly to someone shouting or singing, which is why experts kept saying choirs were dangerous) would spread the disease. Japan showed how masks stopped the microdroplets 9 months ago (see video below) and its.../8 https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1280330714521702411
...citizens complied because, you know, they arent fucking assholes who don't give a rats ass about killing other people in the name of screaming "freedom!" Then, a month or so after we learned of micro-droplet spread, research found it was aerosolized, which increased the.../9
...importance of masks. Even if you weren't speaking to someone directly (which still causes problems outside), if you were inside, the aerosol would linger and move around the room. So, if someone who as asymptomatic and infected wore a mask, and you wore a mask..../10
...statistically it was virtually impossible for another person to get infected. If an infected person - 40% of whom are asymptomatic - does not wear a mask, he will infect others, potentially including those wearing masks, although the risk is lower...../11
...bottom line on mask wearing: @marcorubio is a fucking moron who understand jack shit about science, but it perfectly willing to kill people with his fatal case of Dunning Kruger.

Next, Moron Marco on "herd immunity." Here he also accuses Fauci of lying - based on what.../12
...I don't know...and that we don't need as high a percentage of compliance to achieve herd. Now, how Professor @marcorubio has achieved this knowledge is hard to guess. The final research isn't in (Is he repeating Fox News?) But, we do know this. Highly infectious diseases.../13
...like COVID require higher percentage of vaccine compliance to achieve herd. Some with lower infectious spread can be at 50%. COVID is *exceptionally* infectious. So, as @marcorubio doesn't know, comparisons to viruses with a lower r0 (what does that mean, Moron Marco?).../14
...is irrelevant to the herd immunity. Highly infectious viruses (and the infectious level is represented by the reproduction rate, r0) are much harder to stop. If 80% of a population is immune to a virus because of a vaccine, 1 out of every 5 people who encounter someone.../15
...with the disease will get it. If you drop to 50%, it's 1 out of 2 and the geometric growth is significantly higher. The spread of infectious diseases is kept under control only if the percentage of people vaccinated takes into account the reproduction rate. COVID has.../16
...a high reproduction rate. Bottom line: This will never end so long as fucking morons like @marcorubio who has zero training in this & probably flunked ninth grade biology thinks they can lecture people trained in this field. I have no doubt he did not know 90% of what I.../17
...just said, but still feels confident to FUCKING KILL PEOPLE through his stupidity. Tweeting scripture doesnt excuse your evil, @marcorubio. Either shut the fuck up or start reading the fucking research. This is life or death. We don't need your self-centered idiocy.
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