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How I see it: (Thread)⬇️

January 5th Georgia runoff election - good chance the (2) RINO's may not be elected. Even if they were & the (R's) keep "control" of the Senate,...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 #Overturn
does anyone believe Trump will get an ounce of support from the turncoats who have shown their true colors to the world?

January 6th - Pence will support the contested states electoral slates...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 #Overturn
Trump will be officially declared winner of the 2020 election. The (D's) will melt down, SCOTUS will suddenly become interested in election “litigation”, & the rioting will commence. Patriots will defend the homeland,...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 #Overturn
and many of us will be deprived of basic rights while the insurrection is put down. A new Party will be established (The Patriot Party). Patriot-minded, commonsensical folks who previously never considered running for office will throw their hats in the ring...
Trump's 2nd Term - DJT's next 4-years will be carpet bombed with more impeachments, attacks, & insurrection. We will be focused on mopping up the swamp, arresting the traitors, prosecution, & sentencing. Useless agencies will be disbanded,...
the FBI cleaned up, CIA deleted, and Foreign policy will continue to be a bright spot for the USA & the World. Trump's Executive Order powers will become a critical aspect of his governance due to a House & Senate still crawling with deep-state swamp-rats...
and open communists. As House & Senate members are arrested over the next 2-years, those openings will be filled by Governors, with some State’s Senate members flipping parties. If a US Congressional bill is NOT passed over the next 2-4 years, that could be a win...
Shut down the Government, critical agencies find a way to keep funded, all the rest will be proven unnecessary. The House & Senate majorities do not matter at this point. Patriots will not allow POTUS to be Impeached!...
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 #Overturn
2022 Mid-Term Elections - This will be the turning point. WE THE PEOPLE will vote out the trash (primaries). The US & State Congressional populations will be filled with citizen patriots looking to solidify the future of our Republic for our posterity...
We will enact Term Limits which will keep the career political class of "Elites" out of lifetime Elected "careers". Corrupt Judges will be impeached nationwide (including SCOTUS), activist DA's and State/Local representatives will be replaced,...
@realDonaldTrump #Overturn
and WE THE PEOPLE will strongly support & promote a Convention of States to correct many of the wrongs imposed on our country during the last 50 years of Communist Occupation!

So, the way I see it, the GA runoff really does not carry a lot of weight...
What matters is that DJT is rightfully inaugurated on January 20th. From that point, we will release the hounds & start purging the viruses infecting our political landscape.

Where am I delusional? Hack away..!
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 #Overturn
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