1) WebGL support in Unity is quite interesting as it opens up new possibilities that weren't possible before. Webassembly allows desktop applications to run in the web at near native speed. $U is using this technology to compete with $RBLX

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2) By allowing game developers to publish microgames to the web directly. Unity has created a platform filled with "rough" games which looks somewhat
similar to the games one might see on the Roblox platform.
3) Unity has recently been hosting small tournaments where new game developers can publish their microgames on the http://play.unity.com  platform, and get feedback from the Unity community. This works because the Wasm technology allows the games to load quickly - no installs.
4) No login is required either, so Unity microgames have even less friction than Roblox games. All you have to do to play a Unity WebGL game is to navigate to the games URL adress and press play.
5) This all plays into a bottom-up go-to market product driven approach. Get the developers using your toolkit as early as possible and keep them in your ecosystem for as long as possible.
6) The goal is not (just) to grab marketshare but also expanding the market for game engine's (and game creation) as a whole, by fullfilling Unity's CEO's John Riccitiello vision: "The world would be a better place if there were more creators."
Ps. Unity's main competitor Unreal saw no value in running Unreal games in the browser and has dropped support for HTML5 since version 4.24.
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