1/ Just on masks. They were mandated in Melbourne after Stage 3 lockdown, well into its second wave (nearly 500 a day). Sure there’s an argument it should have come earlier but Sydney’s outbreak is nowhere near the point at which Vic mandated masks.
2/ there’s an argument of “why not mandate masks anyway?”. Ok, but at what point? Could one say same about Sydney Crossroads Hotel, Thai restaurants, Ipswich youth prison outbreak? Most transmissions seem to have been in eating & drinking areas, or home, where masks not worn.
3/ certainly Vic continues with its mask mandate to a certain extent, and there is no greater objective need for masks there than anywhere else, eg Qld. Yet I’m not gonna say Qld is wrong. I don’t think it is wrong.
4/ just remember this. Mandatory masks brings with it all of the machinery of enforcement. And enforcement has a way of taking place disproportionately against vulnerable people.

That’s the “why not” argument.
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