Today, something happened to me, you see, this life, just keep doing what God place in your heart. Some guy had contacted me that he wanted to gift me catfish from his farm, out of courtesy, I said ok. But I forgot totally about it. This is a shirt thread ...
Apparently, this persistent young man kept following me and today he came again, about the catfish, he knew I was in Lagos. I was like, “iru wahala wo re bayi”. But out of courtesy again, I engaged him. Then agreed he can come. I was hosting a few friends, so I figured, why not?
To cut the long story short, this man chattered a car all the way from Badagry area to Lekki just to gift me live catfish. I was stunned. He also came with his wife. He now said, sir, you don’t remember me? I swore I didn’t, he then smiled and told me, "I owe my success to you."
I had my mouth agape. He now reminded me of when I was the Ops manager of a bank in Ikeja, he was one of the security men. He reminded me of how I always "act like their father” and I encouraged all of them to try and go back to school so that they can be somebody in life.
He took my advice. That was 2008. Today, he is a graduate of accounting. He now runs a fish farm in Badagry. He said he saw me one day on TV and told his mum, I know this man, he was my boss. He said his mum said he was lying, so he asked me to snap with him so he can show her.
It was from seeing me on tv, that led him to social media, where he connected with me. He is on twitter with us. Why am I sharing this, never look down on anyone and never settle for less too. Always do the best you can, treat others like human first, no matter their location..., only God knows tomorrow. Never make people who come in contact with you feel less. Elevate and push people. The satisfaction I got from that guy today, felt more than whatever I actually celebrated today. Go and also make an impact. Compliments of the season to you all.
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