The problem I have with Bridgerton is the problem of being a black woman engaging with media not meant for you. The Bridgerton books were a white, white world. I loved them, I read them, until I realized they were helping colonize my mind.
To read regency romance is to never see yourself as the romantic lead. Except for a few notable exceptions, you are the servant, the slave, or you are completely invisible. W/ the Bridgerton series, the writers tried, bt the reality is, the show upholds harmful norms:
To wit, the black duke loves the lovely and innocent white girl. Meanwhile, her direct comparison, the black girl, is not afforded that innocence. She is pregnant out of wedlock. Scorned by society.

Then there's the colorism. All the women worthy of romance light bright.
The Bridgerton series was everything I expected. Fun, romantic, the diversion I'd wanted. Except, yet again, as a black woman, you watch and you see those same racial and romantic dynamics raised yet again.

Honestly, I just can't.
I was so excited to see my favorite series brought to life. But watching it made me remember why I stopped reading regency romance. Because even though it's meant "for women", really, that means white women. Because in those books, black and brown women do not exist.
Thankfully, there are alternatives. I'm gonna cleanse my mind and read more of my faves by @authorMsBev, @AlyssaColeLit @TaliaHibbert. These are the authors that showed me it was possible to see myself in romance and to be seen.
Because of them, I'm able to view myself as a viable romantic lead. To these authors, I say thank you. Because their worlds allow for women like me to exist and to thrive.
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