I know there's been a lot of back and forth about the RonaVaxx and there's something that's been stuck in my head about this whole thing.

Stick with me, here.

About 2 years ago, someone recommended a show to me called, 'Apparitions'.

It's about a priest who investigates miracles but he is also an exorcist. Obviously, not everything in the show was going to be spot on but a lot of it was impressive.

One episode and one line has always stood out and it's been gnawing at me as of late.

In an episode where mysterious pregnancies are happening in abortion clinics, there is a diabled gentleman who is getting better, after a new drugs trial. He was recommended for this trial by a friend, who later it turns out is possessed.

When the priest discovers that the experimental drugs this man has been taking are loaded with aborted fetal tissue, he confronts the possessed man.

Still with me, because this is the part that's been swirling in my noggin.

The possessed man responds, "You have your sacraments, priest. We have ours."

I can't tell you a single bit of dialogue from this show, save this ONE.

"You have your sacraments, priest. We have ours."

So doing a 360 to all of the back and forth on what is and isn't morally acceptable when it comes to this vax or that vax...I can't help but HEAR this line; this line from a show written in 2008.

It makes my skin crawl.
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