It is concerning to see the number of people that are trying to make giving advice their full time job on CH. The only problem is that from my seat most of these folks haven’t mastered the topic they are talking about.
Please be careful if a person says they can show you “how to scale to this or that in this or that amount of time” or if they have an “ebook” with all the secrets to the game.
Most busy/successful/ knowledgeable people don’t have time and many more wouldn’t be good teachers. Maybe I’m old school but credentials matter. Self appointed experts trying to sell you something isn’t it.
Another warning sign is if someone wants to tell you all about revenue. I don’t care how many screenshots you put up I don’t believe it. Nobody successful would want you you to know. Ppl that go out of the way to tell you have a reason and “motivational purposes” ain’t it.
The only people that will be mad about this will be people scamming. If your business is legit and credentials match then keep spreading the good word. To everyone else, please stop buying this stuff. They exist because there is a market.
And if you are an entrepreneur keep going. You’ve got the right stuff inside you already to make your dream happen. There is a reason that idea is yours. Keep fighting for it and learning along the way. These folks know the game hard and that is why they are targeting you.
In conclusion, love and respect to everyone out there grinding away (outside of the scammers). Keep up the good fight. The world needs your idea. Don’t take advice on how to be a millionaire from someone that hasn’t accomplished that goal for themself.
The goal to chase is driving value for your customer. Become obsessed with why you started in the first place. Stay to the original mission and the other stuff will follow. This isn’t expert advice just thoughts from an a fellow entrepreneur...for free as it should be.
Teaching is a vocation no matter what level. Love to the teachers out there... it is really hard. We need to stay out of y’all’s lane and work on making our less than perfect businesses better. My class dropping in 2042 though😂. Only accepting 3 more clients before the waitlist.
In all seriousness stop this nonsense. All of this goes for the IG motivation entrepreneurs/ class sellers too. Painfully obvious advice packaged well. Ask them what business they have scaled and if the tips, strategies and methods are so groundbreaking why are they $32.57?
Ok I’m done. Have a good Sunday.
Got a couple of private messages. Don’t miss my point. This certainly isn’t just about CH. If you’ve followed me for a minute you know I’m talking about scamming on all platforms and settings. More importantly trying to debunk the idea that entrepreneurs need all of this advice.
You can follow @SpotOnRW.
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