"Constitutionally, we are open to all religions"

No, we aren't.

~Only non-Hindu places of worship are exempt from Govt control
~Only "minority-run institutions" can discriminate in admissions

Constitutionally, we are an anti-Hindu, anti-majority country. https://twitter.com/barandbench/status/1343168326004924418
Basically: https://twitter.com/iRohanSachdeva/status/1321044953917607937
Digressing here, but this same "positive discrimination" is evident from UP's new law against vehicles bearing stickers of their caste.

Why? Because caste is being used to punish us for the perceived "injustices" by our ancestors through birth-based discrimination (reservations)
One one hand, the State uses our Caste identity, something we're born with, as the basis for denying admissions & jobs to meritorious candidates.

On the other, it won't allow us to feel proud about the Caste we were born into 🤔

Isn't this gaslighting? https://twitter.com/iRohanSachdeva/status/1311666124107386881
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